Craps Tutorial Game

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Craps Like many classic games, it takes just moments to learn but becomes richer and deeper the more you play! Choose from a range of betting styles, roll the dice and weigh up which odds and bets suit you the most. Casino Craps Game Instructions: Choose Craps Lesson 1; Follow the instructions below the craps table picture and learn the craps payout; Move through the rest of the lessons and the craps instructions; Read additional rules for the game of craps in the charts below; And remember, without dice control,craps can't be defeated; Enjoy! Craps can appear to be a complicated game at first because of array of numbers and lines sprawling along the table. So if you are a beginner of craps and would like to learn craps for the first time, then this is the page for you.

Are you a beginner to Las Vegas dice games? If so, this craps tutorial is for you.

I cover the basics of how to play craps in one of my other posts, but I want to expand on some of the information in that post in this tutorial.

The Easiest Way to Understand Craps Is the Pass Line Bet

First, think of craps as being a game that's played in rounds. A round starts when the shooter — the person throwing the dice — make a come-out roll. That's the first roll of the dice in a round.

The basic bet in craps is the pass line bet. It's just a bet that the shooter will 'succeed.'

How do you define that success?

The shooter can succeed in 1 of 2 ways. He can succeed immediately on the come out roll if he rolls a 7 or an 11. He fails immediately if he rolls a 2, 3, or 12.

If he rolls any other number, his goal is to keep rolling until he rolls that total again or rolls a 7. If he can avoid rolling the 7 before rolling the point number, a bet on the pass line pays off at even money.

That's the whole game in a nutshell.

Everything else about craps relates to the other kinds of bets you can place.

The Basic Game of Craps

But the basic game boils down to this:

  1. The shooter rolls a pair of dice to start the round.
  2. If he rolls a 7 or an 11, the pass line bet wins instantly and pays off at even money.
  3. If he rolls a 2, 3, or 12, the pass line bet loses instantly, and a new round starts with a new shooter.
  4. Then, If he rolls a 4, 5, 6, 8, or 10, that becomes 'the point.'
  5. When a point is set, the shooter keeps rolling until he either rolls a 7, or until he rolls the point again — whichever comes first.
  6. If he rolls the point, the pass line bet pays off at even money, and he gets to be the shooter for another round.
  7. If he rolls a 7, the pass line bet loses, and another player becomes the shooter.

That's it.

All star casino no deposit bonus 2016. Craps is WAY simpler than you, though, right?

The Rest of this Craps Tutorial Focuses on the Other Bets You Can Make — Starting with the Don't Pass Bet

If you're playing street craps, the pass line bet is probably the only bet you're going to fool with. You CAN make other bets, but most people just stick with the pass line bet.

The other big bet at a Las Vegas craps table, though, is the don't pass bet. You can think of that as betting on the shooter to fail.

Craps Tutorial Software

In other words, on the come-out roll, if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, the don't pass bet loses immediately.

A 12, though, is treated as a push on the don't pass bet. You get your bet back, but you don't get any winnings. At least you didn't lose your bet, though.

If the shooter rolls a 2 or 3, the don't pass bet wins immediately.

And if the shooter sets a point, the don't pass bet wins if the shooter rolls a 7 before rolling the point.

Taking and Laying Odds

My favorite bet at the craps table is one that isn't listed on the table. It's called the odds bet, and you can only make this bet after the shooter has set a point.

You take odds after a shooter sets a point if you made a pass line bet.

You lay odds after a shooter sets a point if you made a don't pass bet.

To make this bet, you just put it on the table behind your original pass or don't pass bet. Ask the dealer if you need help.

The great thing about this bet is that it pays off at its true odds — in other words, it doesn't have a house edge.

If the only bet you ever made in the casino was the odds bet, you'd break even over time.

The Strategy Section of this Craps Tutorial Starts Here

The first thing to know about craps strategy is that you should always bet as much as you can on the odds bet.

Casinos have a maximum multiple of your original bet that they'll allow you to bet on the odds bet. In some casinos, it's 1 X your original bet. In others, it's 100 X your original bet. It's often somewhere in between, too.

The reason you want to get as much money into action on the odds bet is that it reduces your overall house edge dramatically.

Payouts for the Odds Bets

Here are the payouts for the odds bet:

  1. If the point is 6 or 8, the odds bet pays off at 6 to 5. (And if you made a don't pass bet, it pays off at 5 to 6.)
  2. If the point is 5 or 9, the odds bet pays off at 3 to 2. (But if you made a don't pass bet, it pays off at 2 to 3.)
  3. And, finally, if the point is 4 or 10, the odds bet pays off at 2 to 1. (If you made a don't pass bet, it pays off at 1 to 2.)

The payout odds on that bet are exactly the same as the odds of winning.

Why Does the Odds Bet Break Even in the Long Run?

That's why it's a break-even bet.

Let's look at why that is for a minute:

Suppose the point is 6. What are the odds that you're going to roll a 6 before rolling a 7?

You don't have to worry about any other results. None of them amount to a win or loss.

You can roll a 6 in the following ways:

  1. 1, 5
  2. 2, 4
  3. 3, 3
  4. 4, 2
  5. 5, 1

That's 5 ways to roll a 6.

How many ways can you roll a 7?

  1. 1, 6
  2. 2, 5
  3. 3, 4
  4. 4, 3
  5. 5, 2
  6. 6, 1

That's 6 ways of rolling a 7.

You have 6 ways to lose and 5 ways to win. The odds of winning are 6 to 5.

The bet pays off at 6 to 5.

Over time, that bet will break even.

This holds true for the other odds bets, too.

Most Normal Craps Players Can't Beat the House in the Long Run

The casinos have set the odds up for the game in such a way that you'll lose in the long run. Even when you throw in the odds bet, you have to place a negative expectation bet to take that odds bet.

Your overall expectation is still negative. Poker king online.

What about abnormal craps players?

I've read several accounts of players who qualify as 'rhythmic rollers' — at least, that's what gambling author Frank Scoblete calls them. He claims that you can tell who the rhythmic rollers are by watching their results. Fruit machine prizes.

Other craps experts offer to teach you how to become a rhythmic roller. The idea is that you become good enough at setting the dice and throwing them softly enough to shift the odds.

If you could exert some control over the outcome of the dice, you could turn craps into a game of skill in the same way that darts is a game of skill. There's a random element to it, but you've reduced the element of chance.

And since the house edge for the basic bets in the game are already really low, you don't have to affect the odds by much to flip that house edge into an edge for the player.

How do you get good at dice setting or dice control?

The same way you get to Carnegie Hall:

Machine a sous las vegas. Practice.

I suggest buying or building a craps table that has the same dimensions as a casino craps table and practicing in your garage or basement.

Keep careful records.

Smart Craps Players Avoid the Worst Bets

If you leave this craps tutorial with one resolution, I hope it's this one:

I won't place sucker bets at the craps table.

I didn't cover the come and don't come bets in this tutorial, but they're basically the same thing as the pass and don't pass bets. They just treat the next roll as if it were a new come-out roll, regardless of where you're at with the rounds.

Those are the only bets worth making at the craps table, though:

  1. Pass and don't pass
  2. Come and don't come
  3. Odds

None of those bets has a house edge greater than 1.5%.

All the other bets at the craps table have a significantly higher edge for the house.

In fact, the edge is so high on those other bets that the casino has a staff member on hand whose job is to encourage you to place those bets. Pay no attention to the guy at the craps table who's providing the chatter and narration.

He's the casino equivalent of Vince Offer. If you thought Sham Wow was a great deal, then you might be okay taking some of the proposition bets available at the craps table.

You'll be making a big mistake, though.


I hope this craps tutorial provided you with the insight and skill you need to play craps in Las Vegas for the first time in 2019.

If you still have questions about the game, leave them in the comments, and I'll answer them for you.


Types of Craps Bets

Line Bets:
Single Roll Bets:
Multi Roll Bets:
Related Articles:

Craps can appear to be a complicated game at first because of array of numbers and lines sprawling along the table. So if you are a beginner of craps and would like to learn craps for the first time, then this is the page for you. First of all, the only complicated part of the game is choosing on what to bet on. One thing you should know is that craps has the lowest house edge out of every casino game. This means that you have the highest odds of any game in the casino when playing craps and it is beneficial to learn how to play craps correctly and easily.

Learn Craps Betting

Craps is a game of throwing dice and betting on what the dice will be. Now one of the main concepts of the game begins with the shooter or dice thrower. A 'craps' is a term used when the shooter or dice thrower rolls a 7 or 11. Players can bet for or against a craps throw. If the shooter throws anything other than a craps, then the term is noted as throwing a 'point number' and a small chip or 'point' is moved over this number in order to keep track. You can also bet that the dealer shoots a point number other than a 7 or 11 sum of the dice.

If the dealer does throw a point number, players can actually make an additional bet in the middle of a round before each throw. Although players who bet on a point can also make another bet on this same point number. This bet is called a free-odds bet. The odds bet is actually the best bet in the house and is sometimes known as a 'secret bet'. When you make an odds bet after the point has been made, you are essentially betting that the dealer will throw this same number again before he throws a 7.

Note that in most games with two dice, the probability of rolling a 7 is greater than throwing any other number. Always keep this craps tip in mind as it's the most cardinal of rules and craps strategy. Although rolling every other number vs. a 7 is actually greater, which is why betting on a point number is best. This betting strategy is required if you want to do an odds bet as well.

Craps Tutorial - How to Play Craps

When you place your original bet, your chips are placed on a 'pass line' bar on the craps table. If you win, you are paid even money or 1:1 odds. Now if you place an odds bet, you can add more chips to your original bet half way between the round when you determine how good your odds are. You are paid 'true odds' when you win on these types of bets. True odds means that there is no house edge! The house edge is 0 so this is like 50/50 odds and there is no bet like this in the casino. In fact, the craps table doesn't even have the bet displayed on the table because it is not good for the casino. This is why the odds bet is commonly known as the 'secret craps bet'!

Free Odds Bet Payout Chart

Pass-Line Point NumberHouse OddsPayout Odds
4 or 102 to 12 to 1
5 or 93 to 23 to 2
6 or 86 to 56 to 5

Notice that the payout is $2 for every $1 bet when the point number is a 4 or 10. These two numbers are equally likely to be rolled but less likely than the 5 or 9 and 6 or 8 point numbers and especially the 7. These are the actual true odds in the game of craps so you are getting paid the fair amount.

This is actually the best craps bet in the casino. Although there are actually over 100 difference craps bets available and we will try our best to explain each one in our tutorials. You can learn everything you need to get started in playing craps and if you would like to play free craps, click on one of the banners and visit an online casino where you can practice with free money and eventually deposit real money.

How To Play Craps

Best Craps Bet - To sum it up, make a 'pass line' bet first and then an odds bet after a point number is rolled. You can literally play all night using this bet and you would have the best craps odds in the house and a huge chance of winning a lot of cash!

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